Re: China

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Posted by Jonathan T. Schmidt on January 10, 1997 at 00:42:22:

In Reply to: Re: China posted by Amanda on January 09, 1997 at 21:18:15:

: : As for them being a "Super Power" make no mistake about it when their
: : population overflows their capacity they will be a super power of the
: : worst kind, a huge and desparate one! As far as weapons go, any
: : two-bit terrorist with the resolve to do it can wipe out millions
: : of people through water contamination. Nuclear weapons are not required.

: There's a good idea for an apocolyptic novel - "Russia and US threaten the world by pressing the red button that will annhilate the planet's population - but hey, here comes China, shitting in the water due to lack of proper sanitation and kills us all"
: Funny, but not likely.

Not likely? As peolpe do to others, in time, they will do to you.

Fact: The Chinese culture is destructive of their own environment.
(beyond compare of our worst)

Fact: They are the fastest growing economic force.

Fact: Their destructivness has increased with their prosperity.

Question: what would stop this from continuing?

Suggestion: Read "The Future of Capitolism" lester Thurough" (sp?)

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